Thursday, 31 March 2011

New favourite artist

So after having the thoughts about the banning of battery hens, and animals rights in general, i had a little look online for any artists who share my political views about the cruelty to animals.
This is when i came across New Zealand based, English artist Angela Singer.
I love her use of recycled taxidermy animals to portray the cruelly of hunting and killing of animals by covering them in what would seems to be beautiful jewels... but that actually ooze out blood red beads from where the animal has been cut open...
She uses various animals, having them donated to her by collectors when the taxidermy has been damaged.

Timeline in the Link

Asked to produce an image of the past, present or future, from 1980-future.I struggled with this for a little while, as there is so much i could put up... personal memories, world wide events... etc.
And I cant quite remember where the idea sparked from but then i realised what is an important date or me in 2012.

The banning of intensively farmed eggs....hopefully! Although this isnt quite true, its a supposidly when condition will become better, more space for the chickens with perches and nests. But will still be caged hens for our bargain driven country.

So i thought about doing a small illustration representing this, and then figured my message might be more understood, or perhaps not, by using an egg box lid (free-range of course) and stuck it on the timeline where i figure January 2012 would be.

Now we just have to hope it actually happens!

My little egg box...

Some more experiments....

Just a few more experiments with making wings and feather in different materials... Scratching into cardboard

Using white fabric and wire

My own Balinese kite

A miniture experiment of my own Balinese kite...

Balinese Kite...

This is a bird kite from Bali, bought back by my dad many years ago. Memories of a fruit filled, boiling hot stop over on our move from New Zealand to England.

Im loving the amazing bright colours, but the design and painting is so simple.

Perhaps ill try and make one of these for myself to fly at Glossop....

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Hawkins Bazaar

I went into the joke shop to try and ind a silly present for my brothers birthday, and finding nothing suitably silly i came out with this 50p find instead.

Thinking it fits quite nicely into my bird theme, i might take some ideas from this later in my project, perhaps creating some wigs out of puzzle like pieces...

More wings...

A few more experiments trying different ways of making feathers and wings...

Sewing into white fabric, no outline, just free hand.

Tried a bit of origami, but i don't think ill go down that route... not yet anyway.

Cotton-wool feathers with wire...

And trying the sewing again, this time on white card but without a food on the sewing machine, a bit of free hand sewing.

I will carry on with the cotton-wool feathers and the sewing, perhaps trying some layering and different material to sew with and different ways to attach the cotton cool to the wire. I used cotton-wool as it is very light, feather like.