Monday, 28 February 2011

Another trip to Liverpool

Off to see some exhibitions in the Fact, Tate and Blue Coat Galleries.
First up was Nam June Paik in the Fact. exhibiting here were video works by the artist and a piece using lights and lasers. I wasn't too impressed with the video works, its not really my kind of thing but the laser piece was great!
Called 'Open Transmission', the piece was a big ti-pi type structure suspended about 50cm from the floor, just enough space to crawl under and lye on the mats beneath.

I could have stayed in there a lot longer than would have been acceptable, it was very absorbing lying watching the lasers make all sorts of shapes...
Then we walked on to the Blue Coat Gallery where the exhibition was Underwater. There were a few interesting pieces but my favorite was a group of pieces by Seunghyun Woo, Another Tree (2010). This was a selection of sculptures made from a wire frame with plaster an acrylic paint built but around the frame to create futuristic like plant life under the sea.

Finally was a trip to the Tate, where the Nam June Paik exhibition continued but i did not go in. I just browsed around the rest of the gallery, seeing things i have seen quite a few times, but then realising there were a few new pieces which has been added. One was made entirely of toast, another with book suspended in a glass wall (John Latham- God is Great).

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Making Wings

So i have started experimenting with a few different ways o making wings. I want them to be as realistic a possibly, and life size, but don't want use realistic materials to make them, such as feathers, so i have start of using paper.
I have drawn out he shape and size of a feather and cut it out so i had the basic outline. I then scored into it to create something resembling a feather and made a few of these at different sizes.

I did the same thing with a whole wing shape and scored out each individual feather so i was looking like the wing was made up of many feathers (and hopefully not just a big mess of scratchings...)

I tried this a few times with different shaped wings...

I am quite pleased with these, although i think if i try some on thicker card the patterns of the feathers might be more obvious.